Sentot Kusairi, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika (AAFF) berbantuan komputer, (2) menemukan kharakteristik model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika berbantuan komputer, (3) menentukan kelayakan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika berbantuan komputer. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian pengembangan (research and development), dengan desain pembelajaran (instructional design) oleh Dick dan Carey. Penelitian melibatkan beberapa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Malang mulai Maret 2010 sampai dengan September 2010. Hasil pengembangan merupakan model AAF berbantuan computer, dengan karakteristik (1) Model dapat menggali kelemahan dan kesulitan belajar siswa, (2) Model analisis dapat memberikan umpan balik pada siswa tentang hasil tes, (3) Model AAFF dapat menghasilkan pengelompokan siswa berdasarkan kesulitan belajar atau siswa yang menderita miskonsepsi atau kesulitan tertentu, (4) model dapat menentukan siswa yang menjawab tidak konsisten.

Kata kunci: analisis asesmen formatif fisika (AAFF)



Abstract The objectives of this study are: (1) to develop a model for a computer-assisted  analysis of  physics formative assessment, (2) to find out the characteristics of the  final product of  the model, (3) to assess the feasibility of the final product  of the model. This was a research and development study employing the instructional design by Dick and Carey. It involved several senior high schools in Malang City, conducted from March 2010 to September 2010. The result of the development is a model for a computer-assisted AAF with characteristics as follows. (1) The model can identify students’ learning weaknesses and difficulties. (2) The model of the analysis can give students feedback about test results. (3) The AAFF model can result in students’ grouping based on learning difficulties or students with misconceptions or learning difficulties. (4) The model can detect students answering inconsistently.

Keywords: analysis of physics formative assessment


analisis asesmen formatif fisika (AAFF)

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