The Profile of Principals’ Instructional Leadership in Primary Schools with High, Moderate, and Low Achievement
Rosa Dania, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Suyud Suyud, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Setya Raharja, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Devi Monita Kristyningsih, 2Institute of Education, University College London, United Kingdom
This study aims to examine 1) the profiles of the principal instructional leadership in three different school categories, namely high, moderate, and low-performing public primary schools: and 2) the differences of, if any, principal instructional leadership in those three different school categories. This was a descriptive study. The respondents were 233 classroom teachers, from 10 selected public primary schools in Bandung District, West Java, Indonesia. They were required to fill up a questionnaire in which they assess the instructional leadership behaviors of their principal. The questionnaire was tested for its validity and reliability before being distributed to the respondents. The collected data was then analyzed using quantitative data analysis techniques. The results show that the
profiles of principal instructional leadership in the three different school categories were relatively similar, viewed from the aspects of determining the school missions focusing on academic achievement, managing teaching programs, and developing a positive learning climate. Of those three dimensions, determining school missions was the most prominent. Looking at more details, supervising and monitoring students' learning, managing effective learning hours, and maintaining
high visibility were the least performed. Finally, this study found that there was no behavioral difference in the principal instructional leadership in the three school categories
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