Self-efficacy dan mental toughness: Apakah faktor psikologis berkorelasi dengan performa atlet?
Ihsan Abdul Patah, Universitas Suryakancana, Indonesia
Céu Baptista, National University of Timor Lorosa’e, Timor-Leste
M.E Winarno, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Bebiana Sabino, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal
Eneng Fitri Amalia, Universitas Suryakancana, Indonesia
Faktor psikologis saat ini telah menjadi salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam olahraga futsal, namun belum diketahui dengan jelas faktor mana yang lebih berkorelasi dengan performa. Tujuan penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisis besarnya korelasi dua faktor psikologis antara self-efficacy dan mental toughness dengan performa atlet futsal. Pendekatan penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif korelasional. Subjek sebanyak tiga puluh atlet futsal amatir dari Suryakancana University (15 pria dan 15 wanita, n=30). Instrumen self-efficacy, mental toughness dan performa menggunakan FSEQ, FMTQ dan FPQ. Analisis data menggunakan IBM SPSS software versi 25 dengan analisis korelasi person product moment dan analisis korelasi ganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara self-efficacy dengan performa atlet, terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara mental toughness dengan performa atlet, terdapat korelasi antara self-efficacy dan mental toughness dengan performa atlet dalam kategori tinggi diperoleh (r=0.733, Sig=0.002<0.05). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat korelasi yang tinggi antara self-efficacy dan mental toughness dengan performa atlet futsal.
Self-efficacy and mental toughness: Do psychological factors correlate with athlete performance?
Psychological factors have become one of the most important aspects in futsal, however, it is not clear which factors are more correlated with performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the magnitude of the correlation between two psychological factors between self-efficacy and mental toughness with the performance of futsal athletes. The research approach is quantitative with correlational descriptive methods. Thirty amateur athletes from Suryakancana University (15 men and 15 women, n = 30). Instrumen of self-efficacy, mental toughness and performance using FSEQ, FMTQ and FPQ. Data analysis using IBM SPSS software version 25 with Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis and multiple correlation analysis. The results found that there was a significant correlation between self-efficacy and athlete performance, there is a significant correlation between mental toughness with athlete performance, there is a correlation between self-efficacy and mental toughness with athlete performance in the high category (r=0.733, Sig=0.002<0.05). The conclusion in this study is that there is a high correlation between self-efficacy and mental toughness with the performance of futsal athletes.
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