Efisiensi Vol. XIII No. 2 Agustus 2015

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/efisiensi.v13i2

In this edition, Damiatun Nafiah discusses the problem of the Role of Typer Shark Deluxe as a Fast Typing Learning Media for Secretary Candidates. Even though the present era has entered the computer era, typing lessons are still needed to practice basic computer typing skills quickly. Given that typing is a skillful job, it is necessary to look for more appropriate learning media.

Rumsari Hadi S. highlighted the problem of the role of a Secretary as a Public Relations practitioner in an organization. The Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University also opened a non-educational Secretarial Study Program for Diploma 3 level. Therefore, this edition discusses the opportunities of Secretarial graduates to become public relations (PR) practitioners who are indispensable in society.

Arwan Nur Ramadhan together with Purwanto raised the results of research on the Performance of Electronic Filing Systems in the Office Administration Education Study Program. The results of this study can be used as feedback in the learning process as well as material for evaluating the extent to which the electronic filing system has been implemented in the Office Administration Education Study Program.

Archival issues include the subject matter for Office Administration and Secretarial study programs. Therefore, on this occasion a priority discussion that refers to electronic archives. For the future of document storage, archive is done electronically which can save space.

Iin Kristiyanti discussed the issue of Archives Management in Improving Service Quality. In this case, if not managed properly, archiving services will result in disappointment. Which one takes too long to handle, slow, sometimes you don't even find it. So a good archive management is needed so that service quality can be improved.

In accordance with developments in the global era, Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma highlighted the importance of teachers in developing interest in learning English. It is a demand that cannot be avoided that a foreign language (English) is a language that really needs to be mastered by teachers because a lot of knowledge is contained in English-language books. How could the teacher's knowledge increase and develop quickly if you don't master English

Table of Contents


Daimatun Nafiah

Rumsari Hadi Sumarto

Purwanto Purwanto, , Indonesia
Arwan Nur Ramadhan, , Indonesia

Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma

Iin Kristiyanti

Agung Kuswantoro

Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah
Sutirman Sutirman
Arwan Nur Ramadhan