Peran E-Servqual Dalam Customer Engagement
Abstrak: Peran E-Servqual Dalam Customer Engagement. Sejumlah brand sukses menempatkan diri di hati konsumen, namun banyak pula yang gagal. Keberhasilan brand memikat hati customer berarti sukses menjalin hubungan dengan customer. Perlu cara dan startegi yang tepat agar brand mampu memikat kosumen dan keluar sebagai market leader. Dalam menjalankan bisnis dan memberikan pelayanan konsumen perlu memperhatikan keinginan konsumen. Di era serba modern dan informasi tanpa batas, bermunculan marketplace dan perusahaan eksponensial, menyebabkan keinginan konsumen untuk dilayani serba cepat dan ringkas. Kualitas jasa layanan online yang maksimal akan menciptakan customer loyalty yang berujung pada customer engagement.
Abstract: The Role of E-Servqual in Customer Engagement. A number of brands successfully place themselves in the hearts of consumers, but many also fail. The success of the brand captivates the customer means successful relationship with the customer. Need the right way and strategy so that the brand can attract consumers and come out as the market leader. In running a business and providing customer service, it is necessary to pay attention to consumer desires. In the modern era and unlimited information, emerging marketplaces and exponential companies, cause consumers to be served quickly and concisely. The maximum quality of online services will create customer loyalty which leads to customer engagement.
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