Sudaryanto Sudaryanto,


This research was aimed at improving the ability and skill of the student in Class 4A 1 in
Department of Indonesia Education, Faculty of Language and arts, State University of
Yogyakarta (KIP Yogyakarta) in developing texts in general, and specially narration in good
and correct Indonesian. It was expected that the students, then, would not find any difficulties
when one day they had to write texts, especially those assigned by then lectures. The problem
was in this action research, that is, how effectiveness approach and tecnichque was used to
improving ability and skill of the students in developing narration texts. This problem was
doing that, because in the beginning condition was known that students were still low to write
about those texts.
This classroom action research was comes out by applying was constructed an action
programmed, and it was divided into four cycles, and each cycle consisted of three steps or
action. Therefore, each cycle consisted of twelve steps or teaching-learning processes, and the
number of the whole action was 12 times. The training for developing the texts was carried out
by applying an approach eclectic or technique eclectic, those are it consisted several approaches
and techniques. The approach was applied: integrative approach, practicum approach, and
democratic approach, approach that gave attention to student's need. Mean while, the strategy
or technique were applied: talkative technique, discussion technique, giving task technique,
feedback technique, and cross correction technique.
The result of the action research were: the first the actions carried out for developing
narration texts could improve the ability and skill of the students in developing texts, especially
the narration texts. This could be seen from the data that out of 18 students, only two students
could develop narration texts. After the action, all of them could develop narration texts.
second: the approachesltechnique used in the action could improve the ability and the skill of
the students in developing narration. Conclusion of this action research, that is the is ability and
skill students to wrote narration texts were improve with the classroom action research.

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