Soediro Satoto,


There is an impression that Theatre looks like an 'illegitimate child' There 19 no I'heatre
Class but Drama in the formal educational institutions of non-art departments The discussion
in the learning process of Drama is not going up to Theatre 'I'here is no research on Theatre in .
thesis and dissertation It can be found that only some of the formal educational institutions of
art deparltnents wh~ch has Department that arranges a 'Theatre Class and Subject of 'Theatre
Yet, they both are only matter of choice, and cons~deredn othing more than a material of
art creation or art analysis Meanwhile, the Theatre groups do not consider them as a scientific
tidy, but as a result of the creative process of writing dramatic text and transferring it into
performance text on stage as performing art (theatrical production) Theatre has been 'placed'
so far fro111 Drama, and even in the educational institution of non-art department, Theatre has
been lefi in the process of learning Drama 'untouched' Moreover, as a collective art, Theatre
presents the implementation of Drama In the process of learning Drama, Theatre may
contribute various educational values. In other words, The Theatre constitutes a media of
Education in school. That is why the assumption that Theatre 'placed' beyond the field of
Literature and Drama studies cannot be accepted

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