Senam Senam,


The virus called HIV can infect human cells and
cause the disease called AIDS. HIV infection is principally
the integration between the DNA of the HIV and
that of the host cell so that the DNA of the HIV undergoes
replication at the time the host cell undergoes fission.
The HIV is unable to conduct a metabolism process
without any host cell. In order to survive, the HIV
makes use of the energy, precursor molecules, and essential
enzymes of the host cell. The competition occurring
between the HIV and the host cell will result in
the host cell's growth b,eing disturbed. Human cells
whch can be infected by the HIV include the T helper
lymphocyte cells, the macrophage cells, and the dendritic
cells. The T helper lymphocyte cells play a part
in the biosynthetic process of antibodies. The macrophage
cells are very useful in the protection of cells
from infection caused by a number of pathogenous
microorganisms as well as toxic chemical substances.
The dendritic cells function as the cells providing antigens
as well as the cells complementingthe T cytotoxic
cells. The three types of cells above are responsible for
the body's immunity system. The occurrence of H V
-infection on these cells causes a decline in the human
body's immunity system and results in AIDS. The contagon
of HIV can happen via sexual intercourse (heterosexual
or homosexual), blood transfusion, the use of
the same needle for injections to different persons, and
saliva. Prevention of HTV infection can be done by
avoiding the behaviors described above whle for curative
treatment can possibly be done by gving antibiotics
which can hinder the biosynthetic process of the
reverse transcriptase enzyme protein and decrease the
activity of the enzymes playing a part in the modification
process of a foreign DNA. In social life, ostracism
on the IW carrier is not approved because the conta-
@on of ttus virus is not via air, the slun, or clothes.

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