I Ketut Sunarya,


Nowadays tIle wlleeL~" oj'tlle Indonesian natioll'S life are turning on tIle lowest
ruts due to tile continual multidinlensi()nal crisis in politics, .\"ecurily, and economy. It
also injects the products oj'education in the jiJrm (J/hunzan res()urce..'" whose competitive
power is increasingly g()il1g.far below tllat ofatller developing countries.
In entering tIle twenty-.(irst century tile universitya..\" tIle center ofexcellence will
playa very i(npOrlant part in tIle preparation 0.[ individuals witll tecllnological and
11umanitarian orientati(Jns. A,11(Jng tile fiJrenl()st cllaracteristics related to tllat aspect are
orientation to prob/enl solving and quality of'work and care in ~pendingtime, which are
possessed by tile cultural type of tile nlodern man. In answer to tllat cllallenge tile
uJliversity i.\' greatly in need ofself-ordering, of being ever readyfor conlpetition, and of
continually searching for opportunities to assert its self-e.xistence. And it can assert its
self-existence by presenting prinle progranls tllat are profe..\'sional and ready to support
processes ofproduction and possess tIle creativity tllat enables tllemselves to create new
.fields qfworkfor J'ob seekers.
In times to come there will be increasingly m()re intense c(Jmpetition. The bright
future of the Ilandicraft arts in meeting tile needs of tourism and also being a prime
source oj'tlle national dividend is opening wide so tllat otller institutions are already
beginning to present similar relatedprogral11s. Tllis does not eliminate tIle possibility fllat
the Handicraft Skill Course Program of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Yogyakarta, will overlook tile opportunity, beco111e a neglected course
prograJl1, andfinally remain only in memory. In relation to tllat, it needs self-ordering.
Here are si.x suggested points tllat prime progralns sllould give elnpllasis on: producing
(1) Iluman resources able to Ilandle educati()n in /landicrqft arts who possess strong
tlleoretical cOl1lpetence, (2) 11uman resources Wll0 conduct researcll on, searcll for, and
discover Ilandicraji arts to forl1lulate new tlleories witll tlleln able to be resource persons,
(3) 11un1an resources ready to he 11andicrafl art critics delivering tl1eir criticisms so tllat
people know well the meanings within handicraft arts, and (4) human resources able to
be conzpetent Ilarldicrq(t art designers, (5) trail1ing experts in tile field practice ofmaking
11andicraft' art products, Wllicll demand\' not only able 11ands but also mastery of
prOdlJction mae/lines, and (6) preparing Iluman resources WllO are ready to become
Ilandicrafl art business people and marketing managers WllO know well about patent
rigllts and appreciate and acknowledge otllers ' works so that tllere is no piracy.

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