Sumaryanto Sumaryanto,


Essentially, the issues of collegian activities guidance were
in increasing of their qualities. The impowennent of collegian
for the academy were belong to the important way,to did. As the
strategically institution that producing the nation leader candidates,
besides providing the academically insight in its field, in
the right way that the institution was creating a conducive environment
that aimed in the growing of collegian's social fife in
the scientifically insight cultural.
In the academy, learning process that containing the regularly
college activities that included in the field of academically
activities were becoming a primary service in collegian activities
which were pressed in point of the agile of intelligently collegian.
In addition, there were~hek ind service that provide by
academy that was providing the vehicle for the collegians in their
organization activities to actualize of their talent, interest and
ability that was belonged that aimed of their optimal development.
The optimalization of collegian activities or extracurricular
activities was implemented in the way of (1) determining of col-Iegian acttsrities priority with ,ha?ljiical Hierarchy Process to
obtain the rationaily activities and properly implemented. ( 2 ) the
collegian -o uidrznce pattern was implemented in synergogy. In
such two ways. it was expected that collegian obtained their sufficient
extracurricuiar experiences. with the result that they be
able to adjusting and managing organization. These experiences
was integrated to the result of studying process in the college
with the result to producing the excellence collegians, that were
able to achieving their performance in academ:caily area. in experiencing
In exti-acurrncuiar area (collegian organization) and
be able to achieving the nationality goals

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v2i2.8756


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