Soeharto .,


Abstrak: Pencapaian Standar Nasional Pendidikan di SMK DIY. Sebagai kota yang memperoleh julukan kota pelajar, selayaknya Yogyakarta berwawasan keunggulan, yakni memiliki ketersediaan lembaga pendidikan yang prima. Pendidikan prima berwawasan keunggulan dimiliki jika delapan standar nasional pendidikan dipenuhi yang menyangkut standar isi, proses, kompetensi lulusan, pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, sarana prasarana, pengelolaan, penilaian, dan standar pembiayaan. Pengukuran ketercapaian standar nasional di lapangan secara legal formal adalah menggunakan perangkat instrumen akreditasi sekolah. Terdapat 137 titik akreditasi pada 2009 di seluruh DIY. Melalui pengolahan data yang ada di kantor BAN S/M dan BAP S/M DIY, dianalisis butir per butir yang tergolong pada tiap standar diperoleh hasil pencapaian tiap standar. Pencapaian Standar Isi dihitung dari banyaknya sekolah/program keahlian yang menjawab A dibagi dengan jumlah keseluruhan titik akreditasi = 0.71. Dengan cara yang sama terukur pencapaian Standar Proses sebesar 0.66, Standar Kompetensi Lulusan sebesar 0.57, Standar Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan 0.69, Standar Sarana Prasarana 0.70, Standar Pengelolaan 0.67, Standar Pembiayaan 0.83, Standar Penilaian Pendidikan 0.74.
Kata Kunci: pencapaian Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Abstract: The Achievement of National Standard at Vocational High School in DIY. As a city that given nickname by student city, Yogyakarta should be a city with a special quality of conception, and has some great education institutions for elementary and high school level. This great and special quality will be fated, if the description of national standard education can be reach maximally. The measurement of reliable description for national standard education based on legal formal and some facts in the field by using data that revealed through instrument and accreditation systems. The amount of data through research is 137 accreditation points across DIY. Using secondary data analysis by exploiting data in BAN S/M and BAP S/M DIY, data then is analyzed in items for every standard. The result of the research shows that achievement of content standard count from the amount of skills school that answered A divided with the number of all skill’s program /school=0.71. By using the same ways, the measurement of achievement in process standard is 0.66; the achievement of standard graduate competence is 0.69; the achievement of standard instrument and infrastructure are 0.70; the achievement of standard management is 0.67; the achievement of funding standard is 0.83; the achievement of appraisal in education 0.74.
Keywords: achievement of national standard of education, vocational school

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