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Recent Update of Scopus Citedness for REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)

Last update: 29 September 2020

REID (Research and Evaluation in Education)'s articles are cited by 44 articles in SCOPUS database since published in June 2015.

Citation Detail:


Keoviphone, C., & Wibowo, U. (2015). Factors discouraging students from schooling: A case study at Junior Secondary School in Laos. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 1(1), 1-12. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Pengpid, S., & Peltzer, K. (2019). Prevalence of truancy in a national sample of school going adolescents in Laos is associated with potential risk and protective factors. Children and Youth Services Review, 107, 104521.


Felestin, F., & Triyono, M. (2015). The implementation of total quality management at vocational high schools in Indonesia. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 1(1), 13-24. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Purwaningsih, J. N., & Suwarno, Y. (2016). Predicting students achievement based on motivation in vocational school using data mining approach. In 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) (pp. 1–5). Bandung, Indonesia: IEEE.
  2. Sudana, I., Buang, R., & Atika. (2018). The analysis of gaps in the implementation of process standard on the supervision of productive learning aspect in vocational school. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 24(4), 370-382.

Handayani, P., & Brodjonegoro, S. (2015). Strengthening vocational character for polytechnic education which has non-production-based curriculum. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 1(1), 84-99. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Anif, S., Sutama, S., Prayitno, H. J., & Idrus, N. B. M. (2019). Effectiveness of pedagogical competence: A development model through association of biology teachers’ forum. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 8(1), 22–31.
  2. Ulum, O. G., & Uzun, K. (2020). Critical perspective of English teaching and learning in Turkey. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 9(2), 456–460.
  3. Manaf, A., Kartowagiran, B., & Harun, H. (2020). Character and values of junior high school students in the coastal area, Indonesia. New Educational Review, 60, 39–48.

Rahmawati, R., & Mardapi, D. (2015). Modified Robust Z method for equating and detecting item parameter drift. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 1(1), 100-113. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Filiz, B., & Durnali, M. (2019). The views of pre-service teachers at an internship high school on pedagogical formation program in Turkey. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), 395–407.
  2. Setiawan, R. (2019). A comparison of score equating conducted using Haebara and Stocking Lord method for polytomous. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(4), 1071–1079.

Irambona, A., & Kumaidi, K. (2015). The effectiveness of English teaching program in senior high school: A case study. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 1(2), 114-128. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Alizadeh, I. (2018). Exploring language learners’ perception of the effectiveness of an English Language Teaching (ELT) program in Iran. Cogent Education, 5(1), 1-19. doi:10.1080/2331186X.2018.1553652

Pada, A., Kartowagiran, B., & Subali, B. (2016). Separation index and fit items of creative thinking skills assessment. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(1), 1-12. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Subali, B., Kumaidi, K., Aminah, N. S., & Sumintono, B. (2019). Student achievement based on the use of scientific method in the natural science subject in elementary school. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 8(1), 39–51.
  2. Setiawan, R., Mardapi, D., Aman, A., & Karyanto, U. B. (2020). Multiple intelligences-based creative curriculum: The best practice. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(2), 611–627.
  3. Filiz, B., & Durnali, M. (2019). The views of pre-service teachers at an internship high school on pedagogical formation program in Turkey. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), 395–407.

Surya, A., & Aman, A. (2016). Developing formative authentic assessment instruments based on learning trajectory for elementary school. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(1), 13-24. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Kartowagiran, B., Wibawa, E. A., Alfarisa, F., & Purnama, D. N. (2019). Can student assessment sheets replace observation sheets? Cakrawala Pendidikan, 38(1), 33–44.
  2. Aman, A. (2019). History teachers’ competence in implementing authentic assessment: A case study in a state senior high school in Yogyakarta. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(10), 68–88.

Syamsudin, A., Budiyono, B., & Sutrisno, S. (2016). Model of affective assessment of primary school students. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(1), 25-41. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Divayana, Dewa Gede Hendra, Adiarta, A., & Sudirtha, I. G. (2019). Instruments development of Tri Kaya Parisudha-based Countenance model in evaluating the blended learning. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (IJEP), 9(5), 55–74.

Nurrahmah, N., Zamroni, Z., & Sumarno, S. (2016). An ethnographic study of elementary education in the rural area of Dompu county, the province of West Nusa Tenggara. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(1), 79-91. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Surtikanti, H. K., Syulasmi, A., & Ramdhani, N. (2017). Traditional knowledge of local wisdom of Ammatoa Kajang Tribe (South Sulawesi) about environmental conservation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 895(1), 12122.

Samritin, S., & Suryanto, S. (2016). Developing an assessment instrument of junior high school students’ higher order thinking skills in mathematics. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(1), 92-107. doi:
Cited by: 
  1. Kusaeri, Sadieda, L. U., Indayati, T., & Faizien, M. I. (2018). Developing an assessment instrument of higher order thinking skills in mathematics within Islamic context. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1097(1), 012151. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1097/1/012151
  2. Rohman, F. M. A., Riyadi, R., & Indriati, D. (2020). Analysis of higher order thinking skills 8th grade students in math problem solving. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1469, 012162.

Widjanarko, D., Sofyan, H., & Surjono, H. (2016). Improving students’ mastery on automotive electrical system using automotive electrical multimedia. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(1), 71-78. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Widjanarko, D., Abdurrahman, A., Wahyudi, W., Sofyan, H., & Surjono, H. (2018). LdesV, computer-operated video: Overcoming students' difficulties in understanding automotive starting system. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 24(4), 407-418.
  2. Widjanarko, D., Khumaedi, M., & Kusumaningtyas, R. D. (2020). Continuous and integrated model of learning media and evaluation for vocational education application: A case in automotive biodiesel learning materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1456, 012041.

Widodo, E., & Sudarsono, F. (2016). Developing an observation instrument for assessing the effectiveness of English teaching at vocational secondary schools. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(2), 135-154. doi:
Cited by: 
  1. Andrian, D., Kartowagiran, B., & Hadi, S. (2018). The instrument development to evaluate local curriculum in Indonesia. International Journal of Instruction, 11(4), 921-934. doi:10.12973/iji.2018.11458a

Retnawati, H. (2016). Proving content validity of self-regulated learning scale (The comparison of Aiken index and expanded Gregory index). REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(2), 155-164. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Antrakusuma, B., Masykuri, M., & Ulfa, M. (2018). Validity of scientific based chemistry android module to empower science process skills (SPS) in solubility equilibrium. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1006(1), 012032, in 1st International Conference on Science Education, ICoSEd 2017. Surabaya, Indonesia: Universitas Negeri Surabaya. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1006/1/012032
  2. Triyono, M. B., Köhler, T., & Trianingsih, L. (2018). Technical working skills of vocational high school students at the interface between digital workplaces and school. An empirical study about construction engineering drawings in Indonesia. Communities in New Media: Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education and Public Administration - Proceedings of 21th Conference GeNeMe, 191–200. Retrieved from
  3. Desstya, A., Prasetyo, Z. K., Suyanta, S., Susila, I., & Irwanto, I. (2019). Developing an instrument to detect science misconception of an elementary school teacher. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3), 201–218.
  4. Divayana, D. G. H., Adiarta, A., & Sudirtha, I. G. (2019). The content validity of digital test items for evaluation courses based on superitem-wondershare using Aiken’s calculation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1417, 012040.
  5. Maulana, H., Khawaja, N., & Obst, P. (2019). Development and validation of the Indonesian Well‐being Scale. Asian Journal of Social Psychology22(3), 268–280.
  6. Sudaryanto, M., Mardapi, D., & Hadi, S. (2019). How foreign speakers implement their strategies to listen Indonesian language? Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11(07), 355–361. Retrieved from
  7. Yumna, H., Fauzi, A., & Yulkifli. (2019). Validity of flood themed science textbook for junior high school with sequenced model using problem-based learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series1185, 012129.
  8. Divayana, D. G. H., Ariawan, I. P. W., & Adiarta, A. (2020). Content validity of quality test instrument used for the user interface design of THK-ANEKA -based countenance evaluation application. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1516, 012048.
  9. Rasidi, A., & Susana, D. (2020). The influence of paikem gembrot model against student’s self efficacy and learning outcomes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1539, 012054.
  10. Rinto, Hayati, N., Wiyanto, & Ridho, S. (2020). Content validity analysis of ethnoscience-based interview worksheets in Bukit Ajimut for medicinal plants pharmacognosy learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1567, 022061.
  11. Winarso, W., & Wahid, S. (2020). Development of mathematics teaching device integrated with Quranic values: Issues, challenges, and implementation model. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(1), 95–117.

Shodiq, S., Zamroni, Z., & Kumaidi, K. (2016). Developing an instrument for measuring the faith of the students of Islamic senior high school. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 2(2), 181-193. doi:
Cited by: 
  1. Harjo, B., Kartowagiran, B., & Mahmudi, A. (2019). Development of critical thinking skill instruments on mathematical learning high school. International Journal of Instruction, 12(4), 149–166.

Dunst, C., Hamby, D., Wilson, L., Espe-Sherwindt, M., & Nelson, D. (2017). Practitioner-informed improvements to early childhood intervention performance checklists and practice guides. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 3(1), 12-27. doi:
Cited by: 
  1. Setiawan, R., Mardapi, D., Aman, A., & Karyanto, U. B. (2020). Multiple intelligences-based creative curriculum: The best practice. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(2), 611–627.
  2. Filiz, B., & Durnali, M. (2019). The views of pre-service teachers at an internship high school on pedagogical formation program in Turkey. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), 395–407.

Widdiharto, R., Kartowagiran, B., & Sugiman, S. (2017). A construct of the instrument for measuring junior high school mathematics teacher's self-efficacy. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 3(1), 64-76. doi:
Cited by: 
  1. Oktasari, D., Ismet, & Siahaan, S. M. (2020). Validation construct: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) instruments scientific communication skills students in learning physics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1567, 032095.

Soenarto, S., Amin, M., & Kumaidi, K. (2018). An evaluation of vocational high schools in Indonesia: A comparison between four-year and three-year programs. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 3(2), 106-113. doi:
Cited by: 
  1. Hambali, I. M. (2019). Examining the relevance of Indonesian vocational high school career outcomes to the labor market. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 10(1), 133–155. Retrieved from

Kartianom, K., & Mardapi, D. (2017). The utilization of junior high school mathematics national examination data: A conceptual error diagnosis. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 3(2), 163-173. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Doz, D. (2019). Nacionalni preizkus znanja iz matematike na višjih šolah s slovenskim učnim jezikom v Italiji. Revija Za Elementarno Izobraževanje, 12(2), 155–176.


Nadapdap, A., & Istiyono, E. (2017). Developing physics problem-solving skill test for grade X students of senior high school. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 3(2), 114-123. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Istiyono, E., Mustakim, S. S., Widihastuti, W., Suranto, S., & Mukti, T. S. (2019). Measurement of physics problem-solving skills in female and male students by PhysTeProSS. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 8(2), 170–176.
  2. Kurniati, D., Purwanto, P., As’ari, A. R., Dwiyana, D., Subanji, S., & Susanto, H. (2019). Development and validity of problems with contradictory information and no specified universal set to measure the truth-seeking of pre-service mathematics teachers. TEM Journal, 8(2), 545–553.
  3. Istiyono, E., Dwandaru, W. S. B., Permatasari, A. K., & Aristiawan. (2020). Developing computer based test to assess students’ problem-solving in physics learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1440, 012060.

Hudha, S., & Mardapi, D. (2018). Developing an instrument for measuring the spiritual attitude of high school students. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 4(1), 35-44. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Rudyatmi, E., & Ridlo, S. (2019). Construct validity and composite reliability of students’ motivation instrument toward science in UNNES. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1321, 032068.

Istiyono, E., Dwandaru, W., & Faizah, R. (2018). Mapping of physics problem-solving skills of senior high school students using PhysProSS-CAT. REiD (Research and Evaluation in Education), 4(2), 144-154. doi:

Cited by: 

  1. Istiyono, E., Dwandaru, W. S. B., Permatasari, A. K., & Aristiawan. (2020). Developing computer based test to assess students’ problem-solving in physics learning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1440, 012060.
  2. Abidin, A. Z., Istiyono, E., Fadilah, N., & Dwandaru, W. S. B. (2019). A computerized adaptive test for measuring the physics critical thinking skills in high school students. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 8(3), 376–383.


