The evaluation of project-based learning in Malaysia: propose a new framework for polytechnics system

Sadrina sadrina, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Ramlee Mustapha, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Muhammad Ichsan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Indonesia


Technical and Vocational Education is one of the various disciplines that believed could encourage the country’s economic growth. Project-Based Learning or PBL was introduced in the Malaysian polytechnics curriculum in terms to produce creative and innovative graduates Thus, Project-Based Learning was introduced because of the ineffectiveness of the traditional lecture method. This study was a kind of descriptive study intended to examine the perception of students and supervisors regarding the Project-Based Learning at one Polytechnic in Malaysia. A population of 170 would be represented by a sample size of 118 respondents and 43 supervisors to participate in the study. The result found that the significant aspect to be included in Project-Based Learning is effective supervising skills. However, from the data, some supervisors have no proficiency skills of Project-Based Learning. Based on the empirical data which derived from the present study, a new framework for Project-Based Learning is suggested for the polytechnics system.


project-based learning; polytechnics; evaluation

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