Djemari Mardapi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Suparno Suparno, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: pengembangan instrumen, tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi, fisika, politomus, dan PCM
Abstrak The objectives of this research were to develop an instrument for measuring senior high school students’ physics higher order thinking skills (PhysTHOTS) and to obtain the characteristics of the PhysHOTS. The instrument blue print was developed based on the aspects and sub-aspects of high order thinking skills, then it was used to develop the items. Two sets of instrument consisting of 26 items and each, including eight anchor items were then validated by promotors, measurement experts, physics specialists, physics education experts, and practitioners. The validated instruments were then tried out on 1,001 students of ten senior high schools throughout Special Province of Yogyakarta. The polytomous data were analyzed according to the Partial Credit Model (PCM). The results show that the 44 items and PhysTHOTS were fit to the PCM, the reliability of the test was 0.95, the items’ difficulty indexes were between -0.86 and 1.06. Therefore, the PhysTHOTS are qualified to measure senior high school students’ physics higher order thinking skills.
Keywords: instrument development, physics test of higher order thinking skills, polytomous, and PCM
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