Innovation of a Project Module Based on the Ajak Temani Mandiri Learning Model Integrated with Local Wisdom to Improve the Creative Dimension of Elementary School Students
Ana Fitrotun Nisa, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Heri Maria Zulfiati, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Creativity is one of dimensions that is the main objective in Kurikulum Merdeka (independent curriculum). Creativity is also one of skills that must be possessed in the 21st century. This study aims to innovate a project module based on Ajak Temani Mandirilearning model integrated with local wisdom to improve the creative dimension of elementary school students that is feasible and effective. This study used Research and Development with Borg and Gall model. Data collection techniques were carried out using interview techniques, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out using qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques in the form of inferential statistics. The subjects of this study were 76 students in grade IV of elementary school. The results of the study show that (1) a project module was produced with characteristics in accordance with ATM learning model, the developed module was integrated local wisdom, and the module contained Project Based Learning (PjBL), (2) the product feasibility results meet the criteria of “very feasible” for use. Product validation was obtained based on assessments from material experts with a score of 97.00; elementary school learning resource experts with a score of 88.25; and practitioners with scores of 92.36. (3) the results of the effectiveness test show that the developed module has proven to be able to increase the creative dimension of students. The increase is shown by the observation results at the operational field-testing stage. The pretest score reached 35.03 with the criteria of Developing and increased in the posttest with a score of 87.76 in the criteria of Already Developing. This score gets an N-Gain score of 0.81 with high criteria. In addition to having an impact on student creativity, the use of modules also has an impact on increasing the average value of student products. This is shown from the average product score with a pretest score of 75.49 then increasing in the posttest to 89.05. So, it can be concluded that Project Module Based on Ajak Temani Mandiri Learning Model Integrated with Local Wisdom which developed can improve creative dimension of elementary school students.
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