Pengembangan perangkat penilaian hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran tematik integratif kelas V SD
Kata Kunci: perangkat penilaian; pembelajaran tematik-integratif; sekolah dasar
Developing assessment kits of learning outcomes on thematic integrative learning in class V SD
This study aims to: (1) produce a feasible assessment kits for thematic integrative learning in class V SD, (2) determine the practicality of assessment kits developed, and (3) determine the effectiveness of assessment kits in class V SD in subtheme Ecosystem Components. The research refers to the 4-D model of the development of Thiagarajan, Semmel, & Semmel which has been modified into three procedures of development, namely: (1) define, (2) design, and (3) develop. The trial development subject consists of SDN Godean 1, SDN Cebongan 1, and SDN Purwomartani. The results showed that the assessment kits of learning outcomes in thematic-integrative learning in class V SD in subtema Ecosystem Components fit for use, practical, and effective. In addition, the product can also measure mastery learning achievements of learners.
Keywords: assessment kits, thematic-integrative learning.
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