Program asuhan gizi olahraga (PAGO) atlet sepatu roda sebagai strategi memperbaiki profil status gizi, biokimia dan kualitas asupan

Fillah Fithra Dieny, Department of Nutritional Science, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Firdananda Fikri Jauharany, Department of Nutritional Science, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Ayu Rahadiyanti, Department of Nutritional Science, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Deny Yudi Fitranti, Department of Nutritional Science, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
A. Fahmy Arif Tsani, Department of Nutritional Science, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, Department of Nutritional Science, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia


Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pemberian intervensi gizi berupa edukasi dan konseling gizi pada atlet sepatu roda remaja terhadap status gizi, status hidrasi, status biokimia, dan asupan gizi. Penelitian one group pre and post test design yang melibatkan 11 atlet di Klub Sepatu Roda Kairos Semarang. Variabel terikat adalah profil antropometri (berat badan, tinggi badan, fat mass, massa otot, body water), status hidrasi, status biokimia (kadar gula darah puasa, asam urat, kolesterol, hemoglobin), dan asupan makan. Uji Wilcoxon digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan profi antropometri, status hidrasi, status biokimia, dan asupan makan subjek antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada berat badan (p=0,029), fat mass (p=0,003), status hidrasi subjek sebelum latihan (p=0,026), kadar gula darah (p=0,005), kadar hemoglobin (p=0,007), asupan karbohidrat (p=0,029) dan asupan seng (p=0,049) sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Program Asuhan Gizi Olahraga (PAGO) pada atlet sepatu roda terbukti berdampak pada perbaikan beberapa profil antropometri, status biokimia, dan asupan makan. 

Program for inline skating athletes as strategies to improve the profile of nutritional status, biochemistry and quality of food intake

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition intervention in the form of nutrition education and counseling for adolescent inline skating athletes on nutritional status, hydration status, biochemical status, and nutritional intake. Methods: One group pre and post test design research on 11 athletes at the Kairos Wheeled Shoes Club Semarang. The dependent variables were anthropometric profiles (body weight, height, fat mass, muscle mass, body water), hydration status, biochemical status (fasting blood sugar levels, uric acid, cholesterol, hemoglobin), and food intake. The Wilcoxon test was used to analyze differences in anthropometric profile, hydration status, biochemical status, and food intake of subjects between before and after the intervention, Results: There was a significant difference in body weight (p = 0.029), fat mass (p = 0.003), hydration status subjects before exercise (p = 0.026), blood sugar levels (p = 0.005), hemoglobin levels (p = 0.007), carbohydrate intake (p = 0.029) and zinc intake (p = 0.049) before and after the intervention. Sports Nutrition Care Programme to inline skates athletes is proven to have an impact on anthropometric profile, biochemical status, and intake.


sepatu roda; asuhan gizi olahraga; profil antropometri; biokimia; asupan makan

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