Variasi kedalaman makna eksperiensial teks intersemiotika novel Breaking Dawn dan film Breaking Dawn Part-1
Sufriati Tanjung, Department of Applied Linguistics, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jalan Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Penelitian ini mengkaji penerjemahan intersemiotika yang melibatkan teks intersemiotika, yaitu: teks kebahasaan berupa novel Breaking Dawn dan teks nonkebahasaan-kebahasaan berupa film Breaking Dawn part 1. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui variasi kedalaman makna eksperiensial pada teks intersemiotika novel Breaking Dawn dan film Breaking Dawn part 1, unsur film yang dipengaruhi oleh variasi, dan pengaruh variasi kedalaman makna eksperiensial terhadap kelogisan film Breaking Dawn part 1. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Hasil yang didapatkan, yaitu: pertama, variasi kedalaman makna eksperiensial film didominasi oleh kelompok variasi dangkal; kedua, seluruh unsur film menunjukkan adanya pengaruh variasi; ketiga, kelogisan film menunjukkan bahwa pada kelogisan internal, terdapat kelogisan pada unsur naratif, dan ketidaklogisan pada unsur mise-en-scène dan suara; sedangkan kelogisan eksternal menunjukkan adanya ketidaklogisan penggambaran film dengan temanya; dan keempat, film Breaking Dawn part 1 merupakan perwujudan kurang baik dari novel Breaking Dawn.
Kata Kunci: penerjemahan intersemiotika, variasi kedalaman, dan makna eksperiensial
Experiential meaning depth variation of intersemiotic texts Breaking Dawn novel and Breaking Dawn Part-1 movie
This research studied the intersemiotic translation that involved two intersemiotic texts: a lingual text in the form of Breaking Dawn novel and a lingual-non lingual text in the form of Breaking Dawn part 1 movie. The aims of the research were to find out the depth variation of the experiential meaning in the intersemiotic texts of Breaking Dawn novel and Breaking Dawn part 1 movie, the movie elements under the influence of variation, and the influence of experiential meaning depth variations onto the movie logic. This study was a qualitative research with the content analysis method. The results were first, the “shallow” group dominated the depth variation of experiential meaning; second, all of the movie elements showed variation influence; third, the movie logic showed that the internal logic showing the narrative element logic and the mise-en-scène and audio elements improperness; while the external logic showed the movie visualization improperness related to the theme; and forth, Breaking Dawn part 1 movie was not a good realization of Breaking Dawn novel.
Keywords: intersemiotic translation, depth variation, and experiential meaningKeywords
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