Performance assessment for vocational history teacher as certified educator
The purposes of this study were: 1) to obtain evaluation instrument of vocational high school history certified teacher’s performance, and 2) to know the level performance of vocational high school certified teacher. This study used descriptive quantitative method. Validator of this study were 6 evaluation experts where in the operational trial consists of 3 vocational school teachers, 3 principals, and 60 students of SMK I Yogyakarta, SMK 1 Sewon Bantul, and SMK 2 Sewon Bantul. The result of the study shows that (1) the performance assessment instrument of certified history teachers is declared eligible by the experts with a mean score of 4.23 and have a good readability with a score of 4.12 (assessed by three principals, three teachers and six students); (2) the performance level of vocational history teacher who has been certified educator in Yogyakarta showed the average score of 4.20, which categorized as excellent. Based on the assessment, the score was 4.28 assessed by teachers or categorized as excellent; 4.26 assessed by principals or categorized as excellent; and 4.12 assessed by students or categorized as good. While, the teacher’s performance level in: planning component showed a score of 4.22 or categorized as excellent; teaching and learning implementation component showed 4.20 or categorized as excellent; and learning evaluation component showed a score of 4.19 or categorized as good.
Keywords: instrument, historical teacher performance, vocational, certified teacher profession
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) memperoleh instrumen penilaian kinerja guru sejarah SMK yang sudah bersertifikat pendidik yang layak, dan (2) mengetahui tingkat kinerja guru sejarah SMK yang sudah bersertifikat pendidik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Validator dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 6 orang pakar evaluasi, dan dalam uji operasional lapangan terdiri dari 3 guru SMK, 3 kepala sekolah, dan 60 siswa yang diambil dari SMK I Yogyakarta, SMK 1 Sewon Bantul, dan SMK 2 Sewon Bantul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) instrumen penilaian kinerja guru sejarah SMK yang sudah bersertifikat pendidik di nyatakan layak oleh para ahli dengan rerata skor sebesar 4.23 dan memiliki keterbacaan yang baik skor 4.12 berdasarkan penilaian 3 kepala sekolah, 3 guru dan 6 siswa, (2) tingkat kinerja guru sejarah SMK yang sudah bersertifikat pendidik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menunjukkan rerata skor 4.20 yang berarti kinerja guru sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian guru rerata skor menunjukkan 4.28 atau sangat baik, kepala sekolah 4.26 sangat baik, dan hasil penilaian siswa 4.12 atau kriteria baik. Sedangkan secara keseluruhan kinerja guru komponen perencanaan memperoleh skor 4.22 kategori sangat baik, komponen pelaksanaan pembelajaran 4.20 kategori sangat baik, dan komponen evaluasi pembelajaran sebesar 4.19 atau kategori baik.
Kata kunci: instrumen, kinerja guru sejarah, SMK, profesi pendidikFull Text:
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