Kata kunci: trend, kualitas, standar nasional
Abstract The research aims to obtain information about the response and the feasibility of education unit to the application in eight national standards, the trend of the quantity and quality of education, school accreditation status, the level of compliance with national education standards, and ratio-nal responses to the eight national standard, a sequence of eight national standards that should be achieved, the national standard that is difficult to achieve, the level of student satisfaction with the school service and ob-stacles in achieving national education standards. The research method used was a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and documentation. FGD data were analyzed qualitatively and distributed instrument data results were analyzed quantitatively.The results showed every educational unit responses positively and appropriately to implement national education standards. Quality and percentage of graduates tend to increase, but still in the range of values 7.1. The percentage of graduates tends to grow up close to 99%. The number of accredited schools is mostly in B. The level of compliance of eight national standards for SD is 73.55%, Junior high school is 85.97%, SMA is 77.07%, and SMK is 76.15%. National education standards which are difficult to achieve are competency standards, work-force, facilities and infrastructure. Variable content standards, energy, infra-structure, finance, management, and appraisal have positive relation whose the amount varies with the standard variable process and competency of graduates. Service quality for primary schools has reached 87.4%, and junior high schools reached 82.6%. The priority to improve graduate competency was done through improving standard of content, facilities, management, assessment, process, and budgeting in spite of many obstac-les faced by schools.
Keywords: trend, quality, national standard
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/pep.v16i2.1129
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