Kata Kunci: pengembangan model, evaluasi program, pembelajaran sejarah, SMA
This study discovers a model for the history learning evaluation (HLE) that can give accurate information to the principal and teacher and is optimally useful for the implementation of history learning programs in SHSs. This research used model developed by Borg and Gall with modify-cation from 10 steps to 4 steps. The tryouts in this research and develop-ment study were conducted in three stages, i.e. the preliminary tryout involving 20 education experts and practitioners, the main tryout involving 241 subjects in SMA Negeri I Prambanan Klaten, and the operational try-out involving 377 subjects in SMA Negeri I Yogyakarta, SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta, SMA Islam I Gamping Sleman, and SMA Muhammadiyah Wates, and involving the principals, teachers, and students. The study con-cludeed that the HLE model has two components of program evaluation: the history learning quality and learning result. The history learning quality consists of seven components, i.e. history teachers’ performance, history learning materials, teaching methods, history learning sources, learning atmosphere, student attitudes, and history learning motivation. The history learning results consist of three components: academic capability, history awareness, and nationalism attitude. The HLE model has some characteris-tics which are different from other evaluation models in that: (a) it is used to evaluate learning history program implementation in senior high schools, (b) it does not depend on a certain learning method, (c) it is com-prehensive, (d) it can be used as a diagnostic evaluation, and (e) it is open for further development.
Keywords: the development model, program evaluation, learning history, high school
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