Kusaeri Kusaeri, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) menemukan cara me-ngembangkan tes diagnostik dengan model DINA, sehingga mampu memberikan informasi salah konsepsi dalam aljabar, 2) mengidentifikasi karakteristik tes diagnostik yang baik yang dikembangkan dengan model DINA. Penelitian pengembangan ini merupakan penelitian empirik, dengan pendekatan deskriptif eksploratori. Pendekatan tersebut digunakan untuk mendeskrip-sikan tahapan pengembangan tes dan mencari karakteristik item. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Yogyakarta, SMPN 1 Sanden Bantul dan SMPN 1 Panjatan Kulon Progo. Data dianalisis dengan software CDM, Mplus dan R. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 1) tahapan pengembangan tes meliputi: identifikasi kompetensi dasar dan merumuskan indi-kator, menyusun learning continuum, menyusun hierarki materi, merumuskan atribut, mengonstruk soal, validasi ahli dan uji empirik. Setelah melalui tujuh tahapan, dikembangkan 37 item tes diagnostik, 2) dari 37 item tes diagnostik, 15 item di antaranya harus dihilangkan/dihapus dari paket tes,  karena tidak memenuhi uji fit model dan kualitas item tersebut jelek (indeks daya beda kurang dari 0,2).

Kata kunci: DINA, latent class, atribut, salah konsepsi, dan aljabar



Abstract This research aims to 1) find out a way to develop the diagnostic test  using the DINA model, so that it can give information about misconceptions in algebra, 2) Identify the characteristics of the good diagnostic test developed by using the DINA model. This research and development  is an empirical research with the descriptive explanatory used to describe the development stages of the test. The subjects of this research were year VIII students of SMPN 1 Yogyakarta, SMPN 1 Sanden Bantul, and SMPN 1 Panjatan, Kulon Progo. The data were analyzed by using the CDM, Mplus, and R software. The results of the study are as follows 1) The stages of the test development in this research were: identifying basic competence and formulating indicators, constructing the learning continuum, constructing the material hierarchy, formulating the attributes, constructing the problems, conducting validation by expert judgment, and administering an empirical test. Through those seven stages, 37 items of the diagnostic test were developed, 2) Of the 37 items, 15 items must be eliminated/discarded from the test. The items were eliminated because their quality was low and they did not meet the requirements of the model fit test because their discrimination indexes were less than 0.2.

Keywords: DINA, latent class, attribute, misconceptions, and algebra

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