Qur'an Whiz: Developing an Android-Based Application to Enhance Qur'an Memorization Skills for Elementary School Students

Hamdhan Djainudin, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Indonesia
Apry Aditya Saputra, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Nazaludin Nur Rahmat, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Triandi Aprilio, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Post-COVID-19, the education sector, particularly Islamic religious education, underwent significant adjustments due to restrictions on mosque activities and the suspension of Qur’anic study programs, which led to a decline in the younger generation's interest in memorizing the Qur’an. Additionally, technological distractions and lifestyle changes necessitated the adaptation of teaching methods, including those in religious education, to align with rapid advancements in digital technology. This study aimed to develop the "Qur’an Whiz" educational game application for Qur’anic memorization using the Takrir method, designed specifically for the Android platform. The research adopted the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) as its methodological framework. Iterative testing and validation processes involving material, design, and media experts were conducted to refine the application and ensure its effectiveness and user engagement. The findings revealed a significant improvement in users’ memorization abilities, with the average pretest score of 65 increasing to 85 in the posttest, reflecting a 20-point or 30.77% improvement. The application features a user-friendly interface and interactive elements that effectively enhance user motivation and engagement. This study concludes that "Qur’an Whiz" is an innovative and effective tool for improving Qur’anic memorization, offering both an educational and enjoyable learning experience for children in the digital era.


Qur’an memorization; educational game; takrir method; android application; gamification


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jpe.v13i1.80349


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