
Issue Title
Vol 12, No 2: September 2024 Design and implementation of audio-visual learning media for volleyball passing and serving techniques in junior high school Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Indra Adi Budiman, Ali Priyono, Endi Rustandi
Vol 9, No 2: September 2021 Effect of blended learning, motivation, study hour on student learning achievement Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Jaka Sunardi, Soh Kim Geok, Komarudin Komarudin, Hari Yuliarto, Ranintya Meikahani
Vol 10, No 1: April 2022 Digital technology in physical education distance learning during pandemic: teachers’ perspective Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Soni Nopembri, Saryono Saryono, Nur Rohmah Muktiani, Anastasia Erlina Listyarinni, Mohd Izwan bin Shahril
Vol 10, No 1: April 2022 The experience and substance of aquatic activities learning in elementary schools from the perspective of physical education teachers Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan, Subagyo Subagyo, Nur Sita Utami
Vol 10, No 2: September 2022 The effect of teaching style on affective and cognitive motivation in physical education Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Nur Azis Rohmansyah, Sri Mawarti, Ashira Hiruntrakul
Vol 12, No 2: September 2024 Development of interactive manipulative motion learning media using adobe animate for elementary school students Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Muhsana El Cintami Lanos, Widya Handyani, Jujur Gunawan Manullang, Anes Winartiningsih, Rifqi Festiawan
Vol 8, No 2: September 2020 Analisis tingkat motivasi belajar dan berlatih pada atlet-pelajar PPLOP Jawa Tengah tahun 2020 Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Agam Akhmad Syaukani, Nur Subekti, Muhad Fatoni
Vol 8, No 1: April 2020 Contributions of physical education teachers’ competences to students’ learning achievements Abstract  Fulltext PDF
M. Hamid Anwar, Hari Amirullah Rachman, Joko Purwanto, Sudardiyono Sudardiyono
Vol 12, No 1: April 2024 Need analysis for innovation in integrated learning models for micro-teaching course: Explanatory sequential design Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Jusuf Blegur, Amung Ma'mun, Berliana Berliana, Agus Mahendra, Michelle Mordeno Layao
Vol 7, No 2: September 2019 Hubungan prestasi belajar siswa kelas khusus olahraga dengan kecerdasan emosional Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Andy Ardian, Sugeng Purwanto, Deden Saepul Alfarisi
Vol 11, No 2: September 2023 Integrating analytical thinking skills into physical education to improve student learning outcomes Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Jusuf Blegur, Yusi Riksa Yustiana, Agus Taufik, Muhamad Ilham, Sefri Hardiansyah
Vol 7, No 1: April 2019 The influence of teacher performance and motivation on the management of sports education learning set Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Aditya Tito Aji Darmawan, Mansur Mansur
Vol 11, No 1: April 2023 Teachers’ lesson plan in the implementation of HOTS oriented physical education learning Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Suhadi Suhadi, Riky Dwi Handoko, Sri Mawarti, Nurhadi Santoso, Muhammad Sigit Antoni, Fitria Dwi Andriyani
Vol 6, No 1: April 2018 Pengembangan video pembelajaran sinyal-sinyal wasit bola basket untuk guru penjasorkes sekolah menengah atas Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Duwi Kurnianto Pambudi, Suharjana Suharjana
Vol 10, No 2: September 2022 Flipped learning as a learning method for students of sports coaching education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Abdul Alim, Risti Nurfadhila, Wahyu Dwi Yulianto
Vol 5, No 2: September 2017 Peningkatan hasil belajar lompat jauh gaya jongkok dengan menggunakan rekaman visual Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Ahmad Syarif
Vol 10, No 1: April 2022 The effect of online-based assignment responses and student creativity in PJOK during pandemic in rural and urban area Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Padli Padli, Yanuar Kiram, Irfan Arifianto, Yogi Setiawan, Jeki Haryanto, Heru Syarli Lesmana
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