Dampak implementasi pendidikan inklusi terhadap aspek akademik siswa lamban belajar (slow learner)

Suparno Suparno, , Indonesia
N. Praptiningrum, , Indonesia
Ernisa Purwandari, , Indonesia


Pendidikan inklusi sebagai sebuah pendekatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan belajar semua anak, menjadi solusi bagi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus untuk mendapatkan layanan pendidikan setara dengan peserta didik pada umumnya termasuk siswa berkebutuhan khusus lamban belajar (slow learner). Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) sebagai salah satu provinsi penyelenggara pendidikan inklusi telah menerapkan pendidikan inklusi di semua kabupaten dan kota. Kajian ini penting untuk memperbaiki praktik pendidikan inklusi di DIY selanjutnya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa lamban belajar (slow learner) tingkat dasar (dasar 1-3) di tujuh SD Inklusi di Bantul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) implementasi pendidikan inklusi memberikan dampak positif terhadap capaian akademik membaca dan aritmatika siswa lamban belajar; 2) implementasi pendidikan inklusi belum menunjukkan dampak yang positif terhadap capaian akademik menulis siswa lamban belajar. Penelitian masih terbatas pada siswa lamban belajar sehingga perlu pengkajian lebih lanjut akan dampak pendidikan inklusi pada siswa berkebutuhan khusus lainnya.


The impact of the implementation of inclusive education on academic aspects of students slow respon

Inclusive education as an approachment to meet the needs of learning all children be a solution for students with special needs to get the services of education equivalent to students in general included in it students slow learner. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) as one of the provinces of the organizers inclusive education in all of the regency and the city. This study is an important to improve the practice of inclusive education in DIY next time. The subject in this research are students with slow learner the basic (basic 1- 3) in seventh inclusive elementary school in Bantul. The results of the research indicate that 1) implementation inclusive education give a positive impact on their academic reading and arithmetical students with slow learner; 2) implementation inclusive education has not shown a positive impact on their academic wrote students with slow learner. The research is still limited on the students with slow learner so that need to more assessment will be the impact of inclusive education on the other students with special needs.


aspect of the academic; slow learner

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jpipfip.v11i1.23795


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