Peran kepala Smk Negeri di Kota Yogyakarta berdasarkan persepsi guru
Samsul Hadi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) model konstruk peran kepala SMK yang ideal, yakni mencakup dimensi dan indikator peran kepala SMK dan (2) kondisi riil peran kepala SMK di Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ex-post facto, yang dilaksanakan di 8 SMK Negeri di Kota Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan proportionale random sampling. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200 sampel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan pendekatan analisis faktor konfirmatori (Confirmatory Factor Analisys, CFA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Model konstruk peran kepala sekolah memiliki 2 dimensi, yaitu dimensi kepemimpinan dan dimensi manajerial. Kepemimpinan mempunyai 5 indikator, yaitu (a) kecakapan pribadi, (b) kecakapan relasional, (c) kecakapan profesional, (d) kecakapan berorganisasi, dan (e) kecakapan wirausaha. Manajerial mempunyai 4 indikator, yaitu (a) perencanaan, (b) pengorganisasian, (c) penggerakan, dan (d) pengendalian; (2) Kondisi riil peran kepala sekolah hampir sesuai dengan kondisi idealnya, ditunjukkan dengan mean kondisi riil yang sedikit lebih rendah dari mean kondisi ideal. Secara rinci kondisi riil peran kepala sekolah berdasar persepsi guru menunjukkan bahwa 28,36% guru memberikan nilai sangat tinggi, 59,20% guru memberikan nilai tinggi, 11,44% memberikan nilai sedang, 1,00% memberikan nilai rendah, dan 0% memberikan nilai sangat rendah.
This study aimed to determine: (1) a construct model of the role of ideal principal in the vocational high school, which includes the dimensions and indicators of the role of the principal of vocational and (2) the real condition of the role of the principal of vocational schools in the city of Yogyakarta. This study was an ex-post facto implemented in 8 vocational high schools in the city of Yogyakarta. The population of this study was 983 teachers from 8 vocational schools. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. The samples were then distributed to 200 samples. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with confirmatory factor analysis approach (Confirmatory Factor Analisys, CFA). The results of this research show that: (1) the construct model of the principal’s role has two dimensions, the leadership dimensions and managerial dimensions. The leadership has 5 indicators, namely (a) the personal capabilities, (b) relational capabilities, (c) professional capabilities, (d) organizational capabilities, and (e) the entrepreneur capabilities. The managerial has four indicators, namely (a) planning, (b) organizing, (c) actuating, and (d) controlling; (2) the real condition of the role of the principal is almost the same as the ideal conditions. It is indicated by the mean of real conditions which is a little bit lower than the mean of ideal conditions. In details, the real condition of the principal’s role based on the perception of teachers shows that 28.36% of teachers give very high value, 59.20% of teachers give high value, 11.44% of them give moderate value, 1.00% give a low value and 0% of them give a very low value.
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