Pengembangan DSS untuk menentukan metode pelatihan e-learning berbasis moodle bagi guru SMK
Eko Marpanaji, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan desain DSS dan mengetahui kualitas DSS yang dipakai instruktur dalam menentukan metode pelatihan e-learning berbasis Moodle bagi guru SMK.Penelitian dan pengembangan ini melalui lima fase yaitu: asesmen/analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Subyek penelitian adalah guru SMK di Kota Yogyakarta, Sleman dan Magelang 75 responden need assessment and analysis, 15 guru uji beta, 24 guru untuk evaluasi. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar kuesioner need assessment and analysis, lembar validasi ahli pelatihan, lembar uji alfa, lembar uji beta dan lembar evaluasi pelatihan.HasilpenelitianmenunjukkanDSS memberikan alternatif keputusan secara cepat melalui empat pertimbangan berdasarkan peserta, tujuan, keuntungan, dan level. Hasil uji alfa dan beta DSS menunjukkanskor 4,14dan 4,02 atau kategori “baik”.SedangkanakurasiDSS melalui evaluasi terhadap 24 pesertapelatihane-learningmenunjukkan 88,14%akurat.
This study aims to produce the DSS design and knowing the quality of the DSS is used in determining instructor training method based on Moodle e-learning for Vocational High School teachers. This study was a research and development conducted in five steps, i.e. need assessment/analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The subject was teachers of SMK at Yogyakarta City, Sleman and Magelang, there were 75 respondents for needs assessment and analysis 15 teachers for beta testing, 24 teachers for evaluation. The instruments of the data collection were validation sheets for the needs assessment and analysis, alpha test sheets, beta test sheets and training evaluation sheets.The result of the study shows the following: the DSSprovides an alternativerapiddecisionsthroughfourconsiderationsbased on: participants, objectives, benefits, andlevel.The Alpha test and Beta test results show a mean score of 3.92 and 4.02 or the DSS is in the “good” category. While, the accuracy of the DSS through an evaluation of 24 participants of the e-learning training shows 88,14% accuracy.
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