Model pembelajaran karakter pelaut
Pardjono Pardjono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: karakter pelaut, co-prol, pertikepel
The objectives of this research were to produce: (1) the description of values of seafarers’ character had been developed for the students of Pertikepel; (2) the description of the values of seafarers’ character required by international maritime industry; (3) the effective seafarers’ character instructional model applied for the students of Pertikepel. This study used a Research and Development Model proposed by Richey & Klein. The research involved the following steps: (1) developing the model of need assessment and draft, (2) validating the internal model using FGD method and expert review, and validating the external model using quasi experimental method withone group pretest posttest design proposed by Isaac and Michael. The results of the research showed that: (1) discipline was the value of seafarers’ character which had been developed for the students of Pertikepel; (2) the values of seafarers’ character should be developed for the students of maritime higher education were responsibility, self confidence, work ethic, problem solving, and cooperativeness; (3) the Co–Prol model was effective since there was the development of the weekly increasing trend on the values of character, starting from first week until sixteenth week.
Keywords: seafarers’ character, co-prol, pertikepelKeywords
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