Determinan pembentuk keluarga sejahtera bagi keluarga miskin pedesaan di Kabupaten Wonosobo yang berbasis industri kreatif pangan
Kata kunci: pendidikan, kesejahteraan keluarga; industri kreatif pangan; keluarga miskin
This study aim to describetheng level of understanding of the definition of both prosperous family and food creative industry among poor family, to find out the determinant factors for the establishing prosperous family based on creative food industry, and to identifyand analyse the needs of the poor family. This study adopted a descriptiv approach as the basis for the analysis in the research and development. The data were collected through FGD activities. The research sites were the two poorest villages in Wonosoboregency. The subjects consisted of 61 poor families.The results of the study show that the level of understanding of the definition of both prosperous family and food creative industry is categorized as fair. Additionally, the main determinant factor for establishing prosperous family is religious motives and the main determinant factor for establishing business activities to support livelihood needs through food creative industry is by joining trainings on food processing.Also, the vital components for establishing prosperous family and to establish business activities to earn income through food creative industry include:education, family welfare; intra and interfamily relationship; the role of parents for the children’s education; family economy management; physical and spiritual security, healthy life planning; and development of food creative industry.
Keywords: education; family welfare; food creative industry; poor familyKeywords
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