Implementasi model “GEPPRAK” dalam pembelajaran kewirausahaan untuk meningkatkan minat berwirausaha di sekolah menengah kejuruan
Kata kunci: kewirausahaan, nilai-nilai karakter, soft skills- transferable skills
The purpose of this study to explore the experience of students SMK in implementing the model "GEPPRAK" in entrepreneurial learning. The focus of research on how students internalize the values of character, aspects of soft skills and transferable skills in entrepreneurship learning so that students interested in entrepreneurship, a qualitative research approach is phenomenological. Orientation research to understand, explore and interpret the meaning of events, phenomena and relationships with people naturally in certain situations, during the process of entrepreneurial learning. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation described what it is. Opinions of students, teachers, behavior, attitudes, interests, skills, weaknesses, an important part to provide input to the improvement of entrepreneurial learning. The findings indicate that students' enthusiasm is high, indicated by activity in five stages, starting an entrepreneurial project of (1) Groups (group) is small, (2)Exploration, (3) Development of business ideas, (4) preparation and presentation of business plans, (5) Actions and Competitions business runs smoothly and successfully upgrade internalization of three grades of character and five soft skills-transferable skills with high scores as much as 68% and the fair score was 32%. All products sold out and some products are already taking orders, this indication of the growing interest in entrepreneurship.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, the values of character, soft skills - transferable skillsKeywords
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