Implementasi uji coba modul-modul statistika berbasis Spreadsheet untuk mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi politeknik
Anak Agung Putri Suardani, Jurusan Akuntansi, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia
Kata kunci: Implementasi, Statistika, modul, berbasis spreadsheet
This research aims to know the results of the expert assessment on the module drafts that have been generated in the previous research stage (first stage), to determine which part of modules need to be revised, and to know the results of trials implementation of the module drafts. The instrument used for assesment covering five aspects: the introduction, learning, content, task,evaluation, assessment, and a summary. The trials implementation involving two groups of students from the Accounting Department Bali State Polytechnic. The results of the research show assessment of the expert is the overall modules are categorized good and all of the seven modules are also categorized good. Part of the modules need to be revised, especially in terms of examples adequacy, difficulty level of problems, and explanation accuracy in theoretical materials are included in the aspects of content, task/evaluation/assessment, and learning. The trials implementation of the overall statistical modules provide better results significantly for students who used the modules compared to students who did not use the modules. Every module provide better results signifcantly except on Regression and Correlation module.
Keywords: statistics, implementation, module, spreadsheet-based
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