Profil pembelajaran di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: pembelajaran, pendidikan teknologi dan kejuruan, efektivitas pembelajaran
(Studies at Department of Mechanical Engineering Education)
This study aims to determine: (1) students perception about a good learning, (2) the profile of implementation learning, (3) the exellences of learning in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, (4) the weakness of learning at the Department of Education Mechanical Engineering, (5) performance or services of lecturer, (6) the characteristics of a good lecturer. The study was designed with a quantitative approach with ex-post facto model by survey. Research conducted on students of the Faculty of Engineering. Sample is determined proportionally with random technique. Collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that: (1) The characteristics of good learning is interactive with students as subjects; (2) the implementation of learning is already well; (3) The exellences of learning mainly be on practical learning with the support of adequate facilities; (4) The weakness seen in the aspect of learning are still conventional, classroom atmosphere which is less conducive, discipline teaching and learning orientation in an effort debriefing competence in addition to areas of expertise; (5) lecturer has shown a good service in the lecture in the classroom and outside the classroom; and (6) a good characteristics of lecturer who could serve as a model, demonstrate mastery of the material, presenting the material with clear, interactive, discipline, objective, able to foster a conducive classroom atmosphere, friendly to students, and is able to grow the character and motivation of learners.
Keywords: learning, teaching, technical and vocational educationKeywords
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Anonim. What is your teaching style?
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