Profil soft skills mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga (PTB) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kekuatan dan kelemahan 9 soft skills mahasiswa PTB. Penelitian diskriptif ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi PTB dengan menggunakan kuesioner respon. Sampel penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa semester 6. Data dianalisis secara diskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan soft skills mahasiswa PTB secara berturut adalah: kemampuan untuk selalu belajar (72,89%), tanggung jawab (70,77%), kerja sama dalam tim (68,61%), komitmen (67,96%), kreativitas (67,25%), disiplin (64,79%), usaha keras mencapai sukses (62,68%), pemecahan masalah (55,87%), komunikasi (49,90%). Keadaan kelemahan soft skills secara berturut: komunikasi (50,10%), pemecahan masalah (44, 13%), usaha keras mencapai sukses (37,32%), disiplin (35,21%), kreativitas (32,75%), komitmen (32,04%), kerjasama dalam tim (31,39%), tanggung jawab (29,23%), kemampuan untuk selalu belajar (27,11%). Dapat dinyatakan bahwa keadaan profil soft skills tersebut merupakan hasil pengasuhan soft skills melalui pola pembelajaran model terpisah, terintegarsi dan komplementatif.
This study aimed to obtain a picture of the strengths and weaknesses of nine soft skills in students PTB. This descriptive study carried out at PTB Program using a questionnaire response. The research sample is all students semester 6. Data was analyzed by descriptive quantitative. Research results indicate that the strength of soft skills PTB students respectively are: ability to always learn (72.89%), responsibility (70.77%), work together in teams (68.61%), commitment (67.96%), creativity (67.25%), discipline (64 , 79%), efforts to achieve success (62.68%), problem solving (55.87%), communication (49.90%). The state of weakness successive soft skills: communication (50.10%), problem solving (44, 13%), efforts to achieve success (37.32%), discipline (35.21%), creativity (32.75%), commitment (32.04% ), cooperation in teams (31.39%), responsibility (29.23%), the ability to constantly learn (27.11%). It can be stated that the description of the profile soft skills, is, the nurturing soft skills through learning patterns, with a separate model, integration, and komplementatif.
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