Peranan dongeng dalam pendidikan karakter pada taman kanak-kanak Lazuardi Kamila di Surakarta

Sidik Nuryanto, Storytellers Association of Indonesia, Indonesia
Rita Eka Izzaty, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui (1) pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter melalui dongeng, (2) nilai karakter yang dikembangkan, (3) faktor pendukung dan penghambat, dan (4) hasilnya pada TK Lazuardi Kamila. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan Penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) Pelaksanaan dongeng dimulai dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. (2) Nilai karakter meliputi olah hati, olah pikir, olah raga, dan olah rasa. (3) Faktor pendukung lembaga adanya progam mendongeng, sentra Islamic character building, serta penyediaan fasilitas, dan dari pendidik adalah keteladanan. Dukungan orangtua berupa kemudahan komunikasi dengan pihak lembaga. Faktor penghambat lembaga yaitu karyawan belum bisa menjadi teladan, minimnya media dongeng, serta penilaian belum tersusun sistematis. Pendidik belum menyusun daftar dongeng, kesulitan mencari bahasa, dan penjelasan nilai karakter tidak utuh. Orangtua belum bisa menjadi teladan, dan rendahnya partisipasi dalam melanjutkan pendidikan karakter. (4) Hasilnya semua nilai karakter telah dilakukan, kecuali kepemimpinan dan cinta tanah air

Kata Kunci: dongeng, pendidikan karakter, taman kanak-kanak


The Role of Tales in Character Education in Kamila Lazuardi Kindergarten in Surakarta


The aim of research to determine (1) the implementation of character education through tales, (2) the value of the characters are developed, (3) enabling and inhibiting factors, and (4) the results on TK Lazuardi Kamila. The qualitative research with case study method. Results of the study are (1) The tales begins with the planning, implementation and evaluation. (2) Value of characters includes careful though, if thought, sport, and if the flavor. (3) Factors supporting institutions for programs of storytelling, character building Islamic centers, and the provision of facilities, and from educators is exemplary. Parental support in the form of ease of communication with the institutions. Inhibiting factors, namely agency employees cannot serve as an example, the lack of media stories, as well as the assessment has not been systematically arranged. Educators have not compiled a list of fairy tales, having trouble finding the language, and explanation of the value of the character is not intact. Parents cannot be exemplary, and low participation in continuing education of character. (4) The results of all grades of character has been done, except leadership and patriotism.

Keywords: tale, character education, kindergarten


tale; character education; kindergarten

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