Training on Education Policy Analysis for Education Stakeholders in Brebes

Riana Nurhayati, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Mami Hajaroh, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Lusila Andiani Purwastuti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Arif Rohman, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The Brebes district youth education and sports office is one of the districts responsible for making education policies based on local wisdom and innovative policies. In addition, the qualifications needed by the Brebes Youth and Sports Education office are as an evidence-based policy maker based on research analysis for policy, policy analysis, policy implementation, and evaluation, which can ultimately provide policy recommendations. However, only some education personnel in Brebes district's education, youth and sports offices have competence in policy analysis. Based on the situation analysis, it is urgent to conduct policy analysis training for education stakeholders, especially the Brebes Regency youth and sports education office. The target audience in this training is stakeholders in the Brebes district, consisting of school principals, supervisors, and administration/managers. The implementation method includes lectures, discussions/questions and answers, educational games, training with problem-based learning, and (post-test) evaluation of training implementation. The training results showed that the participants gave an assessment related to the review of this education policy analysis training in the "outstanding" category of 90%; all participants gave relatively the same evaluation associated with the response in the training, which was 95%. Participation of training participants who, on average, stated that participation in the training was classified as very good as 90%. In addition, 90% of participants felt empowered during the training. On average, 90% of trainees stated that the training significantly impacted them. Furthermore, 85% of participants noted that the training was relevant to their problems.


training; education policy analysis; education stakeholders; brebes district

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