Sumarno Sumarno, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Suwarsih Madya, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: pengembangan model evaluasi kurikulum, karakter bangsa
Abstract This study aimed to develop a model of reflective curriculum evaluation at the English Education Study Program that portrayed the delivery of the values of national character in the classroom. This development study used mixed approach carried out in five phases: initial study, defining, designing, demonstrating, and developing. The constructs of instruments were developed based on expert judgments; the subjects were lecturers and students of English Language Education Study Program in four universities in Yogyakarta Special Territory. The composite reliability coefficient of the instruments was analyzed by SEM program of SmartPLS Version 2.0.M3 and test of fit model by GeSCA. The result of the study concluded: 1) the developed model evaluation was supported by five instruments of evaluation; 2) validity, reliability, and its implementation had been verified through FGD, Delphy techniques, and non-parametric confirmatory factor analysis; 3) the composite reliability coefficient of the five instruments was 0.93, 0.91, 0.95, 0.95, and 0.86; 4) the result of the test of fit model indicated that model was supported by the data with GFI 0.99 and SRMR 0.06; 5) The guidelines of using the developed model consisted of background, rational, components of assessment, guidelines, and application sample.Keywords: developing model of curriculum evaluation, national character
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