Septimar Prihatini, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Islamic Village Tangerang Banten
Djemari Mardapi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Sutrisno Sutrisno, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model penilaian akhlak peserta didik Madrasah Aliyah. Konstruk akhlak dikembangkan dengan pendekatan akhlak sebagai aspek afektif dan konsep religiousity dari Glock and Stark (1966). Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan metode lapor diri dan observasi tak langsung, melibatkan 291 siswa dan 26 guru dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengujian kualitas instrumen meliputi: validasi tampang, isi, dan konstruk; reliabilitas (konsistensi internal dan reliabilitas interrater); dan uji stabilitas instrumen. Hasil pe-nelitian ini adalah: (1) Model penilaian akhlak terdiri dari  model pengukuran dan sistem peni-laian. Instrumen tersusun melalui proses expert judgment, Focus Group Disscussiondan pengujian konstruk. (2) Hasil analisis faktor konfirmatori (CFA) berdasarkan data empirik menunjukkan bahwa konstruk akhlak peserta didik mencakup dimensi akhlak kepada Allah, akhlak kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW., akhlak kepada orangtua, akhlak kepada diri sendiri, akhlak kepada guru, akhlak kepada teman/tetangga/masyarakat, dan akhlak kepada lingkungan. (3) Instrumen mempunyai kehandalan internal antara 0,865 – 0,921 (tinggi) dan reliabilitas interater 0,866 (tinggi) dan  koefisien  Cohens’ Kappa  0,770 (sangat baik), serta stabilitas antara 0,715 sampai 0,858 (baik sampai sangat baik). (4) Sistem penilaian setelah disimulasikan dan dikonfirmasi menunjukkan 90 % kesesuaian dengan performansi akhlak siswa.

Kata kunci: model penilaian, akhlak peserta didik, konstruk akhlak, instrumen



Abstract This study aims to develop a model of an assessment of Madrasah Aliyah students’ akhlak. The constructs of students’ akhlak are developed on the basis of the akhlak as affective domain and as a religiousity concept, adopting the ritualistic concept and consequences from Glock and Stark (1966). This research and development used self-report and indirect observations,  involving 291 students and 26 teachers by using purposive sampling technique. The quality instrument testing consists of: validation process (face, content and construct), reliability (internal consistency and inter-rater reliability); and stability. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The model of an assessment of students’ akhlak includes a measurement model and an assessment system for students’ akhlak. The instrument is composed through the process of expert judgment, Focus Group Disscussion and testing constructs (2) The result of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) shows that constructs of students’ akhlak cover the dimensions of akhlak to Allah, Prophet Muhammad, parents, self, teachers, society, and environment. (3) The internal reliability of instrument ranges from 0.865 to 0.921 (high); the inter-rater reliability is 0.851 (high) by Product Moment Correlation and  Cohens’ Kappa coefficient  0.770 (very good). Instruments stability levels ranging from being good to being very good (0.715 to 0.858). (4) the assessment system model after the simulation is confirmationyields an agreement of 90% with the respondents’ performances.

Keywords: assessment model, students’ akhlak, akhlaks’ constructs, instrument

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