Suyata Suyata, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Sumarno Sumarno, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: model evaluasi, supervisi pembelajaran, lima domain sains
Abstract The purposes of this study are: 1. deeveloping a self and peer evaluation model (EDTS model) in the teaching supervision of natural sciences based on five domains of science (DS 5); 2. evaluating the teaching in supervision of natural sciences based on five domains of science (DS 5) through EDTS model; 3. measuring the effectiveness of this model. The objects of this research are SMPN 7, 11, 14, 15, 19, 29, and 32. The EDTS model was developed through research and development (R&D). The subjects are teachers, teacher’s peers and headmasters. The steps of the evaluation were: teachers and teacher’s peers observedpre learning activities and learning processes. Observation data were validated by the headmasters, followed by discussion and feedback and self-evaluation. The results of this research are: 1) EDTS models through ANTRANINPRO approach (Antecedent, Transaction, Interim Product) is developed by the R & D method; 2) EDTS model is designed to strengthen the implementation of supervision in schools, through the support of information provided by the teacher to the headmaster; 3) Based on the evaluation, items associated with 5DS are considered not so good, especially the domain of creativity and scientific applications; 4) EDTS model is effective to be used, based on the data: the validity of the model (very good), content validity (96% relevant), reliability (good criteria), the model gives the user easiness to use, and gives a positive impact on learning improvement.
Keywords: models of evaluation, teaching supervision, five domains of science.
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