Soenarto Soenarto, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
FX Soedarsono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: kinerja guru, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, faktor psikologis, faktor situasional
Abstract This study was aimed at: (1) describing the situational factors, psychological factors, and vocational high school teachers’ performance; and (2) revealing determination of situational factors (principal’s leadership, school culture, and compensation), and psychological factors (teachers’ ability, teachers’ commitment, teacher’s work motivation) to vocational high school teachers’ performance, (3) revealing causal effect of principal’s leadership, school culture, compensation, teachers’ ability, teachers’ commitment, and teacher’s work motivation to vocational high school teachers’ performance. This ex-post facto research was done at mechanical engineering program in technological and industrial vocational high schools at Yogyakarta Special District. The population was 187 teachers and samples of 155 teachers were determined using the Cohen formula and proportional random sampling technique. Data were collected through inventory, observations, and self assessment. Analysis of content validity was conducted by expert judgment and construct validity was conducted using factors analysis. Reliability analysis was conducted using Cronbach Alpha formula. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods, correlations, regression, and path analysis. The result of descriptive analysis showed that principal’s leadership, school culture, compensation, teachers’ ability, teachers’ commitment, teachers’ work motivation, and vocational high school teachers’ performance was in high category.
Keywords: teachers’ performance, vocational high school, psychological factors, situational factors
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