Yeni Wahyuni *,


Behavior promiscuity now this can be done by anyone, anytime and anywhere,
including  the  one  in  the  area  of tourism.  In  tourist  areas  often  appeared  behavioral
Gronggong promiscuity among teenagers. This study aims to: 1). Describe the factors
that cause a nasty stall in the area of tourism can be a region Gronggong promiscuity
among  teenagers,  2).  The  effort  to  control  local  government  officials  in  tourism
mentertibkan Gronggong of behavior promiscuity among teenagers.
This study uses qualitative research methods with the  primary  data source
consists of the visitors, the traders in the Area Tourism Gronggong, PP Satpol Cirebon
District, the  Village  Head Patapan Cirebon, Cirebon  District Head  of Tourism, and
Communities around Gronggong tourist area, while for source secondary data obtained
through documentation, literature study using books, and print media. Data collection
techniques used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The  subjects in
this study were the visitors and the traders in the tourist areas Gronggong with 4 stall
traders.  The  technical  validity  of  the  data  in  this  study  using  the  technique  of
triangulation  of  sources  and  methods.  In  the  data  analysis  techniques  using  the
interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman.
The  results  obtained  are  the  factors  that  cause  a  nasty  stall  in  the  area  of
tourism can be a region Gronggong promiscuity among teenagers consists of: 1). Nonphysical  factors  consist of  building  construction  shanties.  Shanties  located  on  the  left
path has  an  insulated  building,  located  there  under  (the  category is  not  visible),  stall
located on the right road in the form of benches scattered, and many benches that are
built  on  a  hill  standing  upright.  The  lack  of  lighting  (illumination).  While  physical
factors  consist  of  a  dynamic  social  relations  between  traders  and  visitors  Gronggong
tourist  area,  and  factors  of  social  control  of  local  government  officials  are  less  than
optimal.  2).  The  effort  to  control  local  government  officials  in  tourism  mentertibkan
Gronggong  of  promiscuity  behaviors  among  adolescents  such  as  by  recording  the
location  then  the  insulated,  provide  guidance,  socialization,  and  in  its  supervision  on
patrol every single week, right the situation is done at a certain time and depending on
the needs , as before the religious holidays, and towards the end of the year.
Keywords: Phenomenon bawdy shanties, adolescents, and control

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/dimensia.v6i1.3369


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