Learning conditions in the school setting all this ti~tlch as
been considered insufficient in supporting children's creativity.
This unfavorable learning system is not conlplelcly the
teacher's fault, or that of those who are directly or indirectly
involved in implementing children's, education at schools. Therc
are many in[eirelaled variables and it is difficult to inlcrvcnc
among them so that they result in undcsirable nlodels or
Efforts to foster children's creativity can be donc by
teachers at schools by developing intrincic creativily motivation
in the teaching-learning process by changing convcnl~onal into
creative patterns, through enforccmcnt and obycctive
dimensions, and thorugh reduction and actualization. Aspects
necessary to foster, anlong others, are appreciating, dcdicating,
Icarning-playing, and self-focusing.
been considered insufficient in supporting children's creativity.
This unfavorable learning system is not conlplelcly the
teacher's fault, or that of those who are directly or indirectly
involved in implementing children's, education at schools. Therc
are many in[eirelaled variables and it is difficult to inlcrvcnc
among them so that they result in undcsirable nlodels or
Efforts to foster children's creativity can be donc by
teachers at schools by developing intrincic creativily motivation
in the teaching-learning process by changing convcnl~onal into
creative patterns, through enforccmcnt and obycctive
dimensions, and thorugh reduction and actualization. Aspects
necessary to foster, anlong others, are appreciating, dcdicating,
Icarning-playing, and self-focusing.
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