L. Andriyani L. Andriyani,
The civil society is basically a society which is dialogueoriented
and emancipato~ya s well as independent in natuse.
It is an arena where various social movements express themselves
in groups to proceed with their interests.
'Fo come to such a society there needs to be a social
transformation which involves, among others, education.
All this time the educational realities in Indonesia have not
heen adequate fol the formation of the cibil society. 1 herefore,
there needs to be a refosniation of the educational pal adigm
so that education which is emancipato~? iu nature is
achieved. Habermas' theory of co~ununicationc an be one
alternative means in the course of reforming the educational
paradigm in Indonesia.
The imple~nentationo ft laber~nas't heory of communication
in education can be made in the teaching-learning
process. This process demands the fulfillment of the claims
of communication concerning tr~1t1-r1i.g htness. sincerity, and
comprehensibility. In the teaching-learning process which
fdfils the claims of comnlunication will appear the dimensions
of interest, discourse. consensus, and emancipation
which bring the teacher and students together to a self-
I eflection.
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