In tile present era (Jjo rejorn1s ,11ere is considerable political tension and certain
political education transforming current visi()n..\' oj'politics needs to be conducted as an
effort to decrease tile political tenSi()1l. It will present a new vision ofpolitics 10ltgedfor by
tJ10se WIlD dearly love peace. In thL\" vision politics will no longer be a rough world
allowing all Ineans14ir or.foul, disavowing any etllics, etc. It will Inake women unafraid to
take part in politics so tllat politics will n(J l()nger be a men's w()rld Wilen the people are
more fully aware ofand know more about politics, then they will not be easily made to
fight one anotlter, l1lade into blindfarlatics, and made U~\'e ofby tile political elite to gain
tlleir lfesires.
The transformational political education can be done both formally through
pedagogy alld informally tJlrougJl androgynous tllinking and. by nleans ofthe mass media,
botll electronic and printed. TIle education uses a critical paradigm, i.e., a paradigm with
tIle purpose offundanlentally tran5forming a system and structure.
Tile educational material can consist oftIle following: (1) tile state and the state
system, (2) tIle people's political rights, (3) political parties andprqfiles ofpoliticalparties
participating in general elections, (4) general elections and tlleir ~ystems, and (5) basic
11uman rig/2Is, civil'and political rights, and androgynous leaderS/lip.
political education transforming current visi()n..\' oj'politics needs to be conducted as an
effort to decrease tile political tenSi()1l. It will present a new vision ofpolitics 10ltgedfor by
tJ10se WIlD dearly love peace. In thL\" vision politics will no longer be a rough world
allowing all Ineans14ir or.foul, disavowing any etllics, etc. It will Inake women unafraid to
take part in politics so tllat politics will n(J l()nger be a men's w()rld Wilen the people are
more fully aware ofand know more about politics, then they will not be easily made to
fight one anotlter, l1lade into blindfarlatics, and made U~\'e ofby tile political elite to gain
tlleir lfesires.
The transformational political education can be done both formally through
pedagogy alld informally tJlrougJl androgynous tllinking and. by nleans ofthe mass media,
botll electronic and printed. TIle education uses a critical paradigm, i.e., a paradigm with
tIle purpose offundanlentally tran5forming a system and structure.
Tile educational material can consist oftIle following: (1) tile state and the state
system, (2) tIle people's political rights, (3) political parties andprqfiles ofpoliticalparties
participating in general elections, (4) general elections and tlleir ~ystems, and (5) basic
11uman rig/2Is, civil'and political rights, and androgynous leaderS/lip.
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