Lantip Diat Prasaja,
Sunarta .,
Abstrak: Model Diklat Kewirausahaan bagi Remaja Putus Sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan: (1) model diklat kewirausahaan bagi Remaja Putus Sekolah (RPS) di Propinsi DIY, (2) modul-modul diklat kewirausahaan berdasarkan hasil uji coba, dan (3) hasil pelaksanaan diklat kewirausahaan. Pendekatan kualitatif-interaktif dan penelitian&pengembangan digunakan pada penelitian ini. RPS dipilih secara kuota dan purposif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pejabat pemerintah dan 30 RPS. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan: (1) model pendidikan kewirausahaan meliputi sistem, struktur program diklat, komposisi antara teori dengan praktik, modul diklat, kriteria peserta, pelatih, metode, dan evaluasi diklat, (2) modul-modul ternyata layak digunakan untuk pendidikan kewirausahaan guna mengurangi kemiskinan dan pengangguran, dan (3) diklat kewirausaahaan terlaksana dengan sukses.
Kata Kunci: model pendidikan, kewirausahaan, kemiskinan, pengangguran
Abstract: A Model of the Entrepreneurship Training for Drop-out Teenagers. This study was aimed to reveal: (1) a model of an entrepreneurship training for drop-out teenagers in Yogyakarta province; (2) modules of the entrepreneurship training based on the results of the try-out; and (3) the results of the training implementation. The qualitative-interactive and research and development approach was used in this study. Thirty drop-out teenagers and government excutiveswere selected purposively for in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using the descriptive and qualitative technique. The findings indicated that: (1) a model of an entrepreneurship training included the system, program structure, integration between theories and practices, modules, participant criteria, trainers, methods, and evaluation; (2) the modules were appropriate to be used in the training; and (3) the training was implemented successfully.
Keywords: training model, entrepreneurship
Kata Kunci: model pendidikan, kewirausahaan, kemiskinan, pengangguran
Abstract: A Model of the Entrepreneurship Training for Drop-out Teenagers. This study was aimed to reveal: (1) a model of an entrepreneurship training for drop-out teenagers in Yogyakarta province; (2) modules of the entrepreneurship training based on the results of the try-out; and (3) the results of the training implementation. The qualitative-interactive and research and development approach was used in this study. Thirty drop-out teenagers and government excutiveswere selected purposively for in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using the descriptive and qualitative technique. The findings indicated that: (1) a model of an entrepreneurship training included the system, program structure, integration between theories and practices, modules, participant criteria, trainers, methods, and evaluation; (2) the modules were appropriate to be used in the training; and (3) the training was implemented successfully.
Keywords: training model, entrepreneurship
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