Abstrak: Biaya Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Dana yang Dibutuhkan untuk Pendidikan Dasar Gratis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan dana yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan pendidikan dasar gratis pada tahun 2009 dan membandingkannya dengan realisasi anggaran untuk pendidikan dasar. Metode yang digunakan meliputi proyeksi pendaftaran, identifikasi sumberdaya pendidikan yang diperlukan, ketersediaan dan keterbatasan, identifikasi biaya satuan masing-masing unsur dan perkiraan total dana yang diperlukan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pendidikan dasar pada tahun 2009 membutuhkan dana sebesar Rp157,22 trilyun, termasuk anggaran untuk SD dan SMP. Pemerintah pusat dan daerah menyediakan anggaran hanya Rp132,24 trilyun sehingga ada kekurangan sebesar Rp25 trilyun.
Kata Kunci: biaya satuan, pendidikandasar gratis
Abstract: The Unit cost of Basic Education and the Funds Needed for Free Basic Education. This study was aimed to estimate the funds needed to implement free basic education in 2009 and compare it with the budget realization for basic education. The methods employed included projection of enrollment, required educational resource identification, the availability and shortage, identification of the unit cost of each component, and estimation of the total funds needed. The findings revealed that implementing free basic education in 2009 required as much as Rp157.22 trillion, including the budget for primary schools and junior secondary schools. The national and regional government levels provided the budget for basic education as much as Rp132.24 trillion only, and so there was a deficit of Rp25 trillion.
Keywords: unit cost, free basic education
Kata Kunci: biaya satuan, pendidikandasar gratis
Abstract: The Unit cost of Basic Education and the Funds Needed for Free Basic Education. This study was aimed to estimate the funds needed to implement free basic education in 2009 and compare it with the budget realization for basic education. The methods employed included projection of enrollment, required educational resource identification, the availability and shortage, identification of the unit cost of each component, and estimation of the total funds needed. The findings revealed that implementing free basic education in 2009 required as much as Rp157.22 trillion, including the budget for primary schools and junior secondary schools. The national and regional government levels provided the budget for basic education as much as Rp132.24 trillion only, and so there was a deficit of Rp25 trillion.
Keywords: unit cost, free basic education
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