The Effectivity Study: Implementation of the Physics e-Module with PjBL-STEM Model to Describe Students' Creative Thinking Skills and Learning Motivation Profile

N. R. Millen, Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
S. Supahar, Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research focuses on developing and implementing the Physics e-Module PjBL-STEM Model to improve the creative thinking skills and learning motivation of grade X students in straight-motion topics discussion. The purpose of this development research is to 1) Produce a feasible Physics e-Module PjBL-STEM Model. 2) Knowing the effectiveness of the implementation of the Physics e-Module PjBL-STEM Model in order to improve students' creative thinking skills and learning motivation. 3) Describe the students' creative thinking skills and learning motivation profile. The e-module development procedure in this study adapted the Research and Development (R&D) method using the ADDIE model developed by Dick and Carry (1996). The subjects of this study were first-grade high school students who used the 2013 curriculum at a school in the city of Yogyakarta. The results of the study show that: 1) The Physics e-Module PjBL-STEM Model is feasible to use in physics learning based on the assessment of experts and practitioners. 2) Implementation of the Physics E-Module PjBL-STEM Model is effective in increasing students' creative thinking skills by 85% and students' learning motivation by 68% which is in the good category. 3) The students' creative thinking ability profile was 54.16%, while the students' learning motivation was 60.41%. Both have average and above-average values. Students with the ability to think creatively and have the motivation to learn above the average are most students who use the Physics e-Module PjBL-STEM Model in physics learning.


E-Module, PjBL-STEM, Creative Thinking Skills, Learning Motivation

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