Creating An Educational Science Website Leveraging Beach Edutourism to Enhance Scientific Literacy

Ana Yuniasti Retno Wulandari, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Dwi Bagus Rendy Astid Putera, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Maria Chandra Sutarja, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia


The contextualization of the learning environment needs to be done to make it easier for students to comprehend the concept and practice of scientific literacy. The research aims to develop a science website integrated with Talang Siring Beach edu-tourism that is feasible and can practice scientific literacy. The science website media was developed using the ADDIE model. A post-test-only control group design was used for the implementation stage of the research design. The research subjects were 59 students (31 students in the experimental class and 28 students in the control class). The instruments used included a validation questionnaire for the feasibility of media aspects and material aspects, a response questionnaire, a readability questionnaire, and a science literacy essay test. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the experimental and control classes’ scientific literacy levels. The results of this study show the developed media is valid with a validity value of the media feasibility aspect of 0.89 and material feasibility of 0.9. The response to and readability of the website media are in a good category. The results of the Mann-Whitney U test show a difference in scientific literacy skills between the experimental class and the control class (sig. 0.000 <0.05). The experimental class has a higher level of scientific literacy than the control class. This study concludes that the science website integrated with Talang Siring Beach edu-tourism is feasible and effective in improving students' scientific literacy. The results of this study imply that to train scientific literacy, teachers need to link things around students in the learning process so that it is easier for them to solve problems around them. Further is expected to collaborate the right learning model with contextual website media to improve students' scientific literacy


science website; scientific literacy; Talang Siring beach edutourism


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