Development of a quizmaker ispring approach assessment instrument to measure understanding of student concepts
Prima Aswirna, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
Hurriyah Hurriyah, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to produce a valid, practical and effective Ispring Quizmaker Application Assisted Instrument. The development model of the assessment instrument used is the Plomp model which includes three stages of development, namely: preliminary research (preliminary research), the development phase or prototype (development of prototypephase), and the assessment phase (Assessment phase). The results of the study have produced a valid, practical and effective Ispring Quizmaker application-assisted assessment instrument. The instrument is valid both in terms of material, construction, media and language with an average value of 78.76% with a very valid category. The practicality of the media has an average value of 92.06% with a very practical category, while for the effectiveness of understanding physics concepts based on questions per item of indicators understanding the concept of 65, 11% with the effective category.
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