Analysis of Critical Thinking and Self-regulation in Blended Method, Module-aided, Problem-Based Learning

Denni Agung Santoso, Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia


In pandemic conditions, the government has established distance learning online. After the pandemic, the learning process has returned to offline activities. However, the technology used during online learning is available. In such conditions, offline and online learning combination is a necessity for learning in the future. To deal with it is very important for students to have the ability to think critically and learn independently. The purpose of this research is to analyze students' critical thinking skills and learning independence after applying module-assisted problem-based learning. This research was conducted at Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency. The qualitative research subjects consist of nine students selected from 33 students with low, medium, and high critical thinking abilities. The variables in this study are learning independence and critical thinking skills. Learning independence data was obtained by questionnaire and the critical thinking ability was obtained by a written test. The triangulation process was done by comparing test results, interviews, and observations. The treatment given increases student independence in terms of "planning" and "autonomous practice" as well as students' critical thinking skills have improved. This improvement occurred more significantly for high ability students than medium and low ability students. To overcome this, the quality and quantity of teaching materials can be improved. In addition, student interaction should be encouraged during group activities.

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