The eclining quality of the Indonesian character needs to be resolved. One of the ways to
solve this problem is through the educational practice, by using a more effective approach.
A single approach of values education is considered to be ineffective, that is why it is
needed a comprehensive one. The development of students' personality should be holistic in
nature, including the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. Four important
substances of values education are values realization, character education, citizenship education,
and moral education. Various programs are needed to help young people develop their "life
skills". The important goals of character education include: respect, responsibility, compassion,
self-discipline, loyalty, courage, tolerance, work ethic, and a belief in and love of God. The
major aspects of citizenship education include: knowledge of being good citizens, appreciation
to democratic system and civic values, critical thlnking skills, communication skills, cooperation
skills, and conflict resolution skills. The major goal of moral education is to produce
autonomous individuals who are in a high level of moral reasoning, are colnlnitted to acting in a
manner cosistent with it or who have noble characters.
The four important substances stated above are better integrated in Religion Education and
Pancasila Moral Education. Various strategies of values and moral education should be utilized,
including inculcating values, modeling values, facilitating values, and the development of skills
for achieving a personally peaceful and socially constructive life, as a manifestation of strong
solve this problem is through the educational practice, by using a more effective approach.
A single approach of values education is considered to be ineffective, that is why it is
needed a comprehensive one. The development of students' personality should be holistic in
nature, including the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. Four important
substances of values education are values realization, character education, citizenship education,
and moral education. Various programs are needed to help young people develop their "life
skills". The important goals of character education include: respect, responsibility, compassion,
self-discipline, loyalty, courage, tolerance, work ethic, and a belief in and love of God. The
major aspects of citizenship education include: knowledge of being good citizens, appreciation
to democratic system and civic values, critical thlnking skills, communication skills, cooperation
skills, and conflict resolution skills. The major goal of moral education is to produce
autonomous individuals who are in a high level of moral reasoning, are colnlnitted to acting in a
manner cosistent with it or who have noble characters.
The four important substances stated above are better integrated in Religion Education and
Pancasila Moral Education. Various strategies of values and moral education should be utilized,
including inculcating values, modeling values, facilitating values, and the development of skills
for achieving a personally peaceful and socially constructive life, as a manifestation of strong
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